Saturday, June 2, 2012

It was my last day in school yesterday. I feel little wistful and I really hope I see someday all those guys from there. I've learned and grown much from last year. My teacher was seriously the best I've ever had, and I'm happy I was there.

I got beautiful orange rose from my teacher like everyone else too. 

On Monday my work should start at 10AM. I feel little nervous that if everything go well and that would not be awful job to do. I really want to do well and be able to go Bangkok. 

I've got my passport pictures last week. I need to reserve a time for Police Station so I could leave my application for passport... And I also need to get few vaccinations. I need tetanus, polio and hepatitis A & B. And I need few insurances too... Many things to get! Lots to remember. 

But yeah, I'll update maybe after first work day or something. 

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