Sunday, June 24, 2012

I stopped at my work. It's nothing easy to do, because it is up to you so much how many you sell. 

But yeah, I was accepted to school at Tampere. It's implementer of appearence educating program. It's under one kilometer away. So I don't need even move anywhere. But I'm not forgetting my dream to travel. 

And actually I've bought tickets to London and I need to buy tickets to Brno from London in Czech soon. I am going to see my girlfriend there. First 30.7. going to London, staying there two nights with my friend and then flying to Czech alone. It's gonna be fun and I am so excited. If I remember right, school starts 13. of August. I've been thinking that after I have saw my girlfriend, I could travel somewhere else by train. Maybe to Germany, because I have always wanted to go there!

My camera is by the way still in Vantaa, so I don't have own pictures here now.
All of these are from Tumblr.

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